Monday, October 30

MY Days 061030 - Stories

In the Beginning...My Short Stories' Series

Stardate: 061030

After many years of writing, dry and laborious boring technical and critically logically text, it is time for me to begin a lifelong dream of creative writing: SHORT STORY WRITING.

After spending many years writing on labour issues, politics, and such, as well as writing a regular column in Business Trends covering computer-related issues, I have decided to focus my writings on FICTION.

These short stories will all be entitled: MY Days (followed by a number that represents the day the story was created). It is somewhat borrowed from the Star Trek concept of "Stardate", of which I still love to hear that voice announce: Stardate 17724...It announces we are to embark on another exciting mission.

My mission is to write about everyday happenings, about normal and abnormal humans found in their regular and irregular routines. The donut shop (not Tims of course, another story), the gym, the library, the hockey rink, the soccer court at the college, home turf, the park and my dog Sam, meetings, church, the grocery store, the mall, and of course our industrious drivers in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada haha.

I have some favourite short story writers: Kristjana Gunnars, Alice Munroe, and Annie Dillard for starters, whom have given me some interesting insight to the world of imagination and organization therein. So, if you recognize a flavour here and there, these writers are thanked forevermore for their untouched and unmatched genius.

How to begin?

Dillard says it is easy, you begin with a word: "Words lead to other words and down the garden path. You adjust the paints' values and hues not to the world, not to the vision, but to the rest of the paint. The materials are stubborn and rigid; push is always coming to shove. You can fly - you can fly higher than you ever though possible - but you can never get off the page" (The Writing Life, Dillard, Annie: p57).

Where to begin?

Annie comes to my rescue once more: "Why do you never find anything written about that idiosyncratic thought you avert to, about your fascination with something no one else understands? Because it is up to you. There is something you find interesting, for a reason hard to explain. It is hard to explain because you have never read it on any page; there you begin" (The Writing Life, Dillard, Annie: p67).


Dillard talks about painters who paints because of a love of paint; therefore it can be said that a writer writes because of a "love of words". There are so many living and dead stories to be told and they do not even know it, yet.

On a cold wintry afternoon, when it is too horrible to venture outside and your cable is down, why not sift through, at the righthand column (Previous Blogs) of the many blog entries of RHETORICAL SOUNDOFF and find a MY Day to get lost within...?

And of course, if you feel the need to write a word or two yourself, why not email me a couple to share your thoughts on MY Day (s) -


Sunday, October 29

The Son-In-Law



How many father-in-laws would brag about their son-in-laws having a different twist in life?

Maybe it is not his fault that Gary is this way inclined, or declined as it were.

I wonder what Gary's two sons, my grandkids, do when they see this blog :)


Saturday, October 14

The Farmer's Calendar


What gives, shorts, t-shirts, and sandles one day; thinsulate the next?

According to the Farmer's Almanac for 2006-7 the Ontario weather is "expected to have near normal winter temperatures with somewhat drier winter conditions". Of course they cover themselves with a backup statement: "This is not to say this area won't be without its cold spells and significant snowfalls...". Gibberish I dare say!

This picture on the left, taken early Friday afternoon, is our backyard with SNOW...An omen for what is to come? The mess below is City TV news coverage of the mess in Fort Erie, cause by this premature disasterous snow storm. Nature's statement correcting the Almanac?

And what can be said of how Fort Erie got hit?

I do hope for one thing this winter - The Farmer's Almanac is wrong in their predition of a "drier" winter.

As newly joined members of the Lambton Outdoor Club, my wife and I are planning to venture upon many cross-country ski trips this season...We want snow and snow that stays, not melts and freezes, but deep white fluffy stuff that remains.

Stay tuned for more on the ski trips, however I bet the story of my recent 50 mile solo canoe trip on the Saugeen River appears here as the weather gets colder. I saved some of my warmer tales for the colder hours.

Wednesday, October 11


If you have ever had the opportunity to sit in on a Toastmasters International meeting, you will know that each meeting has a theme and a "Word-of-the-Day"...And if you have not had the chance to see a Toastmasters' meeting in operation, you owe it to yourself to go to one this week.

There are many reasons for which to have these two items set forth for the members utilize within their speeches. However, the one I like to evolve with, especially when I am the acting Toastmaster, is to incorporate the WOD (word of the day) and blend it into the meeting's theme.

For example, I am the Toastmaster at the Hospitable Toastmasters meeting in Sarnia, Ontario today. The WOD is "imbue", picked by our Grammarian. I am hoping that our Table Topics Master will also join in on this project and set forth to utilize, inspire, and create topics that can help us all attain a better understanding of public speaking.

But more importantly, while I was researching the word "imbue" and some quotes that could help us understand its proper meaning and to therefore put the word into a proper context of meaning, I came across this quote:

"Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern reslove. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind." -- Leonardo da Vinci, Notebooks

Ah, to be inbued...and receive: "Inspiration & Influence" at its finest.